Monster’s Muse

My tryst with anger and its by-product. This is from my poetry blog.

Random Musings


Again I seem to burn in hell,

Retreating to my inner shell,

Scared that these flames may spread,

A monster hiding, filled with dread,

Hoping that the rage will ebb,

Or you will reach me through this web.

About the post: I wrote this post reflecting over my angry state 😛 Anger can be a muse, no? It has been for me, quite often. And I’m not angry any more. Huzza! The wonderful, therapeutic effect of writing! 🙂 There is a reason I chose that particular picture (from Pixabay). It portrays fire that has turned into something magical, perhaps, a monster like we can be (filled with rage) can turn into something beautiful with the right approach. I suppose this coming from a term called “Constructive Anger”, look it up, it would be very helpful.

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